The dwelling of a thoughtless teenager
Monday, January 30, 2006
Leah's poetry corner
Since posting lyrics and the like is so en vogue, I decided to post an old poem of mine that Caboose will remember, it's my favorite. The Clock The clock’s incessant ticking beat, Like the heart within my chest, Moved with rays of Apollo’s heat Took a thousand lives in a breath. Like a vast merciless metronome It hurried all along their way-- Hastened all from childhood’s home. Crossing Night and Dusk and Day. Brought a mountain to knees of sand; Birth to death was cruelly spurred. For Time’s wrinkled prodding hands Irked my spirit as they urged- Me first from youth and then my prime, They made me old before my time. And then the chimes of late hour sang, Tolling seasons, sickness, strife-- To newborn the sound sweetly rang. But every strike stole moments of my life. I, tormented, hurled a stone unto the clock. But, as I bent o’re the twisted shards, And saw the hands paralysis-locked, I conceived that my proverbial cards Were laid before me bare While Time’s orbit endured unbroken. I cried out in despair, For— The Clock had been a simple token.
Posted by Anonymous ::
6:12 PM ::
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Saturday, January 28, 2006
Evans Blue-Over
you better crawl on your knees the next time you say that you love me
fall on your knees, cuz this time I won’t be so kind
can't you see that this is life and life is killing me
is it yours? is it mine?
our sky fell down tonight, to wash away our pain
tell me, over and over and over and over and over again
it never was time for us, it never was time to let me in
show me, over and over and over and over and over again
it never was time for us, it never was time to let me in
you better see how evil you can be when you see my evil smile
it's the one that you'll remember when I am not so kind
can't you see that this is death and death is saving me
I say burn all your bridges while you still have control of the flame
I know it's hard but you...
tell me, over and over and over and over and over again
it never was time for us, it never was time to let me in
show me, over and over and over and over and over again
it never was time for us, it never was time to let me in
you've hardened to the point
you're hard and to the point
tell me, over and over and over and over and over again
it never was time for us, it never was time to let me in
(hardened to the point)
show me, over and over and over and over and over again
(hard and to the point)
it never was time for us, it never was time to let me in
Posted by Caboose ::
5:44 PM ::
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The competition just got better...

Posted by Caboose ::
4:41 PM ::
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Friday, January 27, 2006
Part 2 of 3

Posted by Caboose ::
8:25 PM ::
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Part 1 of 3

Posted by Caboose ::
8:09 PM ::
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Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Complete possiblility of.....

Posted by Caboose ::
7:41 PM ::
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Part 2 of Part 1

Posted by Caboose ::
4:52 PM ::
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Part 1 of a 2 part post

Posted by Caboose ::
4:49 PM ::
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Monday, January 23, 2006
First ever audio post!

Posted by Caboose ::
5:29 PM ::
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Sunday, January 22, 2006
Is H.I.M. satanic or not?
Leah has recently told me that H.I.M. The rock band that everyone loves and listens to is satanic. According to Winterfest people, I believe, They think H.I.M. worships the devil. Well, ok H.I.M. stands for I.nfernal M.ajesty. ok Ill give them that one but today's heavy metal bands are all about the evil gothic look. You cant honestly go around talking smack about a band that has that kind of a name. Its not right and its unfair.I bet those people haven't even given H.I.M. a chance at all. You know what just sit down and listen to them one day. I'm sure that everyone will become a fan once they lis
ten to there music.
Travis: The band HIM started when the members were in high school, as a HEAVY metal band, so the name was given a heavy metal look, known as His Infernal Majesty, after they went with that for awhile they found out that wasnt their calling card and went to their own style of soft rock, (Love Metal), speaking of their experiences of love.....good and bad, so they dropped the His Ifernal Majesty, and also another point........THE ENTIRE BAND IS ROMAN CATHOLIC!!!!
Posted by Caboose ::
5:27 PM ::
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Saturday, January 21, 2006
Monster = Crack Addict
There is a major Monster Energy Drink craze going around Howe! Unfortunately I have become one of the people who have become addicted to the cocaine like substance. Not only do I drink a lot of it I NEED it now! The other day my body completely shut down after having 4 drinks in under 24 hours! Not a good idea! I swear I went through several mood swings in under 3 hours. It was very interesting and sad at the time . This is horrible drink which now one should become addicted to. Now, before I type anymore I need to go drink a Monster
Posted by Caboose ::
3:07 PM ::
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Friday, January 13, 2006
I'm So Sick!
Ok, here's the thing. Leah and I have been going out for 4 months now and my parents still don't understand that I don't get to see her but once a week. Honestly they didn't want me to go out with her in the first place and didn't want me to make a commitment to driving to Celina all the time. I don't care about the drive! I want them to understand that I love Leah to death and would do anything to see her. Sadly, they don't understand. There just so thick headed sometimes and refuse to understand anything that I feel or something that goes on in my life.
For instance, they don't want me to go to the all region concert , to hear Leah, because I have to be at lacrosse and a team party that day. I could care less about lacrosse when it comes to Leah. Lacrosse is NOT the number one thing in my life and my parents need to understand that just one practice and one dumb party doesn't matter at all! They think if I miss one lousy practice I'm going to lose my varsity spot! This is not true there is no goalie on our team that can replace me.
My parents wonder why I argue with them all the time. Its because everything I want to do on weekends involves Leah. There like "well, lacrosse is more important." B/ effing S!!!!!!!! Leah is more important!
Posted by Caboose ::
4:21 PM ::
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Thursday, January 12, 2006
Here's To The Night - Eve 6
Here's To The Night - Eve 6
So denied so I lied are you the now or never kind
In a day and a day love I'm gonna be gone for good again
Are you willing to be had are you cool with just tonight
Here's a toast to all those who hear me all too well
Here's to the nights we felt alive
Here's to the tears you knew you'd cry
Here's to goodbye
Tomorrow's gonna come too soon
Put your name on the line along with place and time
Wanna stay not to go I wanna ditch the logical
Here's a toast to all those who hear me all too well
Here's to the nights we felt alive
Here's to the tears you knew you'd cry
Here's to goodbye
Tomorrow's gonna come too soon
All my time is froze in motion
Can't I stay an hour or two or more
Don't let me let you go
Here's a toast to all those who hear me all too well
Here's to the nights we felt alive
Here's to the tears you knew you'd cry
Here's to goodbye
Tomorrow's gonna come too soon
Posted by Caboose ::
2:09 PM ::
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Monday, January 09, 2006
And so enters Don Napoleon into the house of Thoraxe...
this is quite nice...i have a set of keys to kreytons blogger...huzzah! well yeah...cant wait to do more dark magic in chemistry tomorrow...mrs. tillman must have some kind of black,evil powers...hmm
The Don
Posted by Jarod S. ::
6:34 PM ::
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Leahs Random Stuff
Since Kreyton seldom updates this thing, I will.
Things to do while bored in Physics: (compiled by Leah and Julia)
1. Type random things quickly into a graphing calculator. Pretty soon you make interesting patterns and pictures, and then it's fun to press the clear button and watch how long it takes the calculator to scroll back up as it deletes all of it.
2. Spll ll yr ntes wtht vwls.
3. Watch the animals in all the cages placed around the room, observe friendships between opposite species placed in the same enclosures. (the monitor lizard and python used to try and kill each other, now they cuddle-er-strangle each other as they sleep under the heat lamp)
4. The classic distractions, doodling and daydreaming
5. In the case of my high school, try to find all the tiny toy soldiers placed strategically around the room by past years' seniors--they're in almost every classroom.
6. Write your name on the wooden dividers the teacher uses to separate students during tests--it's ok, they're covered in graffiti anyway. After you've thoroughly embellished your name with wite-out and sharpies, write comments out to the side of other names, draw hearts and enter current couples' names into them, have fun with it.
7. Read all the useful information in your school-issue planner, then go back and work all the crosswords and wordsearches. My favorites are the dental hygine and health ones.
8. Write limericks or hiku/ tankas in the margins of your notes, write them only about items or people in the physics lab.
9. Write tandem soap operas with your lab partner, see if you can creat a love octogon between characters.
10. Make up stupid lists like these and share them with people who might care.
(all of these activities have been conducted by the compilers).
Happy Procrastinating!
Posted by Anonymous ::
6:24 PM ::
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Intruders in the House of Thoraxe!
Quiet! Someones in my blog! Whos making that noise!? Oh, it was me.....
Posted by Caboose ::
6:09 PM ::
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Saturday, January 07, 2006
Posted by Caboose ::
12:21 PM ::
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Monday, January 02, 2006
Bored on the last day of break
I guess with the spare time that i have today i will update before school starts in about 18 1/2 hours. This entire break has been fun too me. except for most of the first week. I just found myself going to little halo things and showing al my friends little glitches and such with the game.
I really dont feel like writing this at all.I think ill just put some random things in this.
Have you heard that song The Suffering by Coheed & Cambria? You should have its the only addicting song in the world next to Numa Numa.
Fires are popping everywhere. I'm enjoying fighting them though. we had 6 Friday. it was insane, it seemed like everytime I go to sit down or do something the pager would go off!Then the next day we had one big fire out near Whitesboro. That one was a tiring for some reason.
Lets see what else..........
Leah came over for Xmas mass. that was fun too me atleast. She looked a little nervouse during the mass but she kept her slef occupied with a Spanish hymnal book. I believe she interpreted the whole book for me. Thats my little nerd.
I'm sure theres more stuff but nothing really intresting
Posted by Caboose ::
11:20 AM ::
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