The dwelling of a thoughtless teenager
Sunday, October 30, 2005
A Crying Moment.....
Well I am sure that everybody knows what has happened over the weekend. Some good thing happened and some horrible things happened. The Pride of Howe has finally ended its streak of going to the state marching competion. If my memory serves me right we have gone to stae 27 to 30 years in a row. That's still amazing but I did not want to be the band that failed. We were not supposed to fail. This whole season we have blamed eachother for all the mistakes but truly it was everyone's fault. There was not one single person who went through this marching season perfectly. I know I made mistakes and I will own up to them and they prop.. cost us a state trip. I don't know that though. There were so many things that held us back from being the best. One: we had a huge lack of focus at every practice. Two: we never used all the hours we had to practice, this one is the band directors fault. Three: Our band director was not strong enough. Four: not everybody showed up to practice. Five: No one cared. Yes, I did say all these things. As horrible as they might sound its the truth whether any of the Howe kids accept it or not. Our time is over now. I will never have another chance to get that gold medal, march in the Alamo dome, or feel the adrenaline rush that goes through as you march the show. I will always miss the feeling of euphoria as I finish every show. I'm very proud of what Celina has done though. They came out there and proved everybody wrong. Every person that I know said they would never make because there show wasn't good enough. I knew better than that though. After watching them at region I knew they were going. I am so proud of Leah! I only wish I could be there when she marches into that stadium. I miss her so much. Just getting to see her at area was heaven. Even if it was only for 10 min intervals. Okay, today I had to wake up and go play a funfilled day of lacrosse.Which I dreaded. I did good according tot he coaches and players but I felt as if I did horrible. Well, I know now that I actually have and anger problem in lacrosse. I told Leah last night that I will murder the first person that trys to pull a cheap move on me. Well that first person was a ref. He actually called so many b/s calls against me that it cost me a min. In the penalty box and almost ejection from the game. Well the ref called one b/s call on me and I argued with him of course. He said there was no interference with the goalie, me, and that I needed to shut up. Well of course I didn't like what he had just said to me and I told him what the rules said and went off on him he threw me in the penalty box. LOL! The next time he made a b/s call I went up to him and told him what the rule said and that he was a horrible ref. He had said I came out of the crease and went back in, you cant do that if you have the ball. Well, I told him yet again that it was b/s and he was like "son, you were out of the crease" and I was like " dude, I can keep one F***ing foot in the crease!" and he said "no you came completely out". By this time the whole team was telling me to shut up and I just finished with " whatever"! We did win that game but the next game we lost by like four points. I'm not going to elaborate on that game so I'll just leave is at that. Oh I did get an assist though! I was so proud of my self! I guess a write more about all this crap another time. Later. Caboose
Posted by Caboose ::
7:24 PM ::
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Posted by Caboose ::
6:49 PM ::
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Wednesday, October 12, 2005
As the century nears its formidable end, our global experience of the universal proportions, predicted by many greats, will arrive at our solar system, to our system of a down. Authoritarian oppression, family abuse, depression caused by conformity, and technological terrorism in times of complete chaos. Control will never again be gained for toleration will become extinct. A husband quarreling with his wife will not think twice or regret his spent bullet. Hungary children will not spare the grocer. Remorse in all forms will be removed from human thoughts and actions. Freedom will only be available through revolution or death. This system of a down is unavoidable as life on this planet becomse unnessary. The hand has five fingers capable and powerful, with the ability to destroy as well as create. We have the power to stop and reverse the tides of time by making our awarness of abuse known to the powers of industry and their incouth political arms. Only by raising this awarness and promoting personal peace within todays self-defeatist society, can we allow the planet a chance to avoid self-destruction! OPEN YOUR EYES, OPEN YOUR MOUTH, CLOSE YOUR HANDS AND MAKE A FIST.
Posted by Caboose ::
6:19 PM ::
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Sunday, October 02, 2005
I am Thor-axe the Impaler
Hey everybody! I guess its about time to update. Well, alot has happened since the last update and i guess i should fill the world in on my life. Lets start with some intresting stuff. Our clan, VoltronX10, on halo2 has been selected to do a small video on For those of you that dont know what TSL is, its a small internet show that does interviews with video game icons. But they do the interviews on Xbox Live through Halo 2's online play. Its really intresting to watch and I hope we can start recording soon for the show.
Leah finally made it to Howe! She came to visit me on her bye week. I had a blast while she was here and I hope she did to alot of unexexpected people showed up that night to. My long lost friend from V.A. and Paris showed up and we hung out the rest of the night.I miss Leah alot. I hope I cam see her soon! I cant wait a week!
Yesterday, I had to march and run cross country . It was very tiring, I about fell over several time because i was just exhausted. The CC meet went well! My time improved greatly! ICan now run somewhat close to my normal time of a high 18 three mile! I ran a 20:34. I was very proud of myself.The marching contest went very well according to Mrs E. and the judges.I wont say anymore because we have some spies coming to howe just to watch the band perform! WOW! Worried about The Pride of Howe are we?!?! You should be! Well, we had to put my hair up in its french braids again! I looked rather sexy i think. lol. I didnt manage to get a picture of the hair but I will because Leah wants to see. After the long and tireing day i had decided to go out to eat and shop for homecoming dresses with Erin and Stacie. It was lots fun. We ate greasy chines food. It was really nasty but erin was apparently really hungry and ate everything! LOL I love you Erin! After all of that i came home and talked the night away with Leah.
Lacrosse has been a big issue with everyone lately, by everyone I mean Plano East coaches and my father.They want me to come back and play but theres nothing I can do because of my mother. She doesnt want to play fall but I need to because my team needs all the help the can get. The back-up goalie apparently cant replace me for the fall. I guess he wasnt up to the task.Well enough of lacrosse talk.
Howe football, according to a source, has a record of 1-15 for the past 2 seasons right now. they have lost every single game since Blue Ridge of last year. They played Whitwright on friday night and were slaughtered very badly, 6-47.
I guess thats all i will talk about for now I shall update another day! Later!
Posted by Caboose ::
4:25 PM ::
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