The dwelling of a thoughtless teenager
Monday, February 13, 2006
The Lonestar Shootout! Buckaroos!

Well my team, Plano East, attended the Lonestar Shootout this past weekend and ended it with great results! Our team won the tournament and proved to everybody that we are a team to be worried about. Everyone in Texas doubted that we were not going to do well.We showed them that they should be terrified of the Plano East Panthers!
East vs Highland Park- We shut down one of the best known teams in Texas! People were saying that we would not make it passed this team period! You know what, we came out swinging and scored right of the bat and continued to beat them in every aspect of the game. Sadly though, about 5 min. Into the game Trent was injured and suffered a major concussion. He will return to us in about a month. With a player down and the fire burning like no other now we came back into the game and just kicked ass! I was awarded with a shut-out and 13-13 saves! In your face Highland Park! You don't go winning the state title 2 years in a row and not have good players on all your teams! We showed that East is better than little rich snitches!
East vs Sentinial- This team came form Las Vegas, Nevada just to get there butts handed to them. We showed them what Texas lacrosse was all about and beat the living snot out of them. They actually started to get really desperate and tried everything on my defense but when your playing against the number one defense in the state your not going to do so well. I did awesome of course I believe I had 13-17 saves this game. The finale score was 7-4 a victory for East

The next day around 8 o'clock in the morning in 27 degree weather.
East vs Klein- Now Klein has already started there regular season and came to this tournament as the number 8 team in state. We actually scored 2 goals in under a min of play. This game has been by far the scariest this year. I had an amazing game saving East from a loss and the loss of a championship appearance. Klein had managed several fast breaks and were shut down by me! How can you not score on a 6x6 goal when your a good 6 feet away!hmmm.... YOU THROW ME IN THE CAGE! The didn't stand a chance as I stopped all there shots that should have one them the game. There was a moment where I though they were going to score and tie the game and send it into sudden death overtime! They were one fast break and shot and I stopped it but it rebounded out and the picked it up on the crease and shot again, 3 ft in front of me, An I stuffed that shooter but it still rebounded out of my stick. This time it rolled to the top of the box and they picked it up again and shot again but was sadly stuffed by me. LOL! This team was so fun to play with they kept getting pissed at eachother and fighting amongst themselves. The final score was 5-4 another East victory!
Championship Game
East vs SouthLake Carroll- This is another D1 highland park type team that played us and were sadly very horrible! I have no idea how they made it into the finals! But they somehow did. There really isn't much to talk about in this game the ball was on offense the game. The one goal the did score was a floock sadly. The ball hit my knee and hit my other knee and rolled in.........Oh well we were kicking there ass and I already had a good 6 saves already. The game continued on offense for the remainder of the game. The game finally ended and we all were so excited that we had won the tournament! We felt like we had won the state championship already! The final score was 11-1 a East victory and some well earned respect!
I was also crowned MVP of the D2 bracket and received a new goalie head. My real trophy though was out wondering around Denton and Frisco sadly.
Posted by Caboose ::
5:30 PM ::
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