The dwelling of a thoughtless teenager
Monday, February 06, 2006
Post Carnage Report

I forgot to mention on the audio post that I beat the living crap out of Sergio today in Halo2. Not that hes a challenge to me its just I like to rub it in his face.
The final score: 25-2
Weapon of choice : Primary: Sniper Rifle
Secondary: Shotgun
Awesome moments: SMG vs. plasma pistol/SMG, Victor- SMG
SMG vs Sword/ loads of gernades, Victor-SMG
Sergio killing himself with a fusion barrel and shotgun. He thought the barrel was me for some odd reason. Although I was in the room when i saw his flailing body fly top the sealing yelling "BLARRRRG!"
Six head shot kills, with a sniper rifle, in a row.
A couple no-scopes as he was running away from me.
Sergio using dual-needlers and me using one sniper bullet to put an end to the flaming gay pink shards of death
Sergio getting one kill and then i kill him 22 time before he kills me for his second time.
Posted by Caboose ::
6:03 PM ::
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