The dwelling of a thoughtless teenager
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Is H.I.M. satanic or not?

Leah has recently told me that H.I.M. The rock band that everyone loves and listens to is satanic. According to Winterfest people, I believe, They think H.I.M. worships the devil. Well, ok H.I.M. stands for I.nfernal M.ajesty. ok Ill give them that one but today's heavy metal bands are all about the evil gothic look. You cant honestly go around talking smack about a band that has that kind of a name. Its not right and its unfair.I bet those people haven't even given H.I.M. a chance at all. You know what just sit down and listen to them one day. I'm sure that everyone will become a fan once they lis

ten to there music.
Travis: The band HIM started when the members were in high school, as a HEAVY metal band, so the name was given a heavy metal look, known as His Infernal Majesty, after they went with that for awhile they found out that wasnt their calling card and went to their own style of soft rock, (Love Metal), speaking of their experiences of love.....good and bad, so they dropped the His Ifernal Majesty, and also another point........THE ENTIRE BAND IS ROMAN CATHOLIC!!!!
Posted by Caboose ::
5:27 PM ::
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